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Bamboo Activated Charcoal & Kaolin Clay Mask

Kaolin Clay-

It deep cleans and absorbs impurities without the use of irritating foaming agents or common cleansing ingredients that can strip skin, leaving it feeling irritated and tight. With regular use, kaolin clay helps improve the look of tired, dull skin and gently works to reveal a brighter, smoother looking complexion.

Bamboo Activated Charcoal -

As well as drawing out dirt and toxins, activated charcoal can also draw out oil from your skin. This means that less oil is built up and your skin can perform better at combating breakouts. Another benefit is that activated charcoal creates a mattified effect, as opposed to the shiny effect caused by oily skin.

****Carrot Seed Oil-

Its warm, earthy, woody, and herbaceous scent has a soothing, refreshing, and grounding effect that is known to diminish feelings of fatigue, weakness, anxiety, and stress. Used cosmetically, Carrot Seed Oil repairs skin damage, tones muscles and tissue, and tightens skin to prevent it from sagging.

****Bilberry Extract -

Applied to skin, bilberry is known to strengthen skin against signs of redness, likely due to its calming properties. Bilberry can also boost skin's environmental defenses in the presence of UVA light. The tannin content of Bilberries make them a great astringent, helping the skin feel tightening and toned.

Vit E oil-

VITAMIN E moisturizes and protects your skin. It works by increasing the amount of vitamin E in your skin. Vitamin E is an antioxidant, which helps to protect your cells.

Vegetable Glycerin—

Humectant. Vegetable Glycerine cools, soothes, and facilitates the healing of skin discomforts and conditions, such as scratches, cuts, blemishes, burns, itching, hives, rashes, sores, eczema, psoriasis, and other ailments that are characterized by dryness, itchiness, or inflammation.

Activated Charcoal & Kaolin Clay Mask

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